1993    Score
Last Update: 9/12/2024
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20 Brett Butler  
214 Ed Sprague  
372 Juan Guzman  $0.04
502 Edgar Martinez AS NEW!  $0.30
54 Chris Hoiles  
256 Jose Guzman  
405 Jerald Clark NEW!  
535 Andy Van Slyke DT  $0.20
98 Kent Hrbek  $0.10
282 Shane Reynolds RP  $0.10
485 Pat Listach AW  $0.10
602 Tom Henke  $0.04
133 Bruce Hurst  
301 Will Pennyfeather RP  $0.06
486 Eric Karros AW NEW!  $0.10
650 Vince Coleman  $0.06
206 Scott Erickson  

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